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  • Sue Lobo

Road Trippin to Al Qudra

I am always busy pinning and daydreaming about my next BIG travel adventure somewhere in another continent that I forget we have so much natural beauty around us here in UAE beyond all the hustle and bustle of the city. We had our aunt and uncle visit us for a couple of weeks this month and the familia collectively decided to do a road trip to the infamous Qudra Lake and then head to Al Ain for a weekend getaway, which deserves a separate blog post altogether so more on that later.

A little late to this pretty spot but here nevertheless, the trip was a perfect reminder of how much there is to enjoy right in our own backyard (it is an hour and a half away if you drive at a safe speed like me but still close :P). I only knew of Al Qudra for its dedicated cycling track but next to this is a cluster of manmade lakes – home to hundreds of exotic birds – just waiting to be explored. For all those lazy bunches, like me, who couldn’t be bothered to venture out in the country they live in, here’s one possible trip you could plan for your next weekend.

So what exactly can you do at Al Qudra?


The last time I cycled was probably back in my teens around Lulu Park in Karama and while it was fun you couldn’t enjoy the thrill of a high speed chase without having to jump up and down pavements every half a kilometer. I did read about Al Qudra cycling track but as they say unless you see it you can’t really believe it - The 84km trail loops through the beautiful desert and attracts amateurs and triathletes alike. The Trek Bicycle store offers safe and friendly advice if you are a cycling maven looking to train, increase your fitness levels or just looking to reminisce the good ol’ cycling days and hire a bike for a leisurely ride. We reached there close to 9 AM in the morning and the place was buzzing with cycle enthusiasts. For rentals starting at just AED 40 per hour, it is a great place to spend a weekend hanging with friends and burning a few calories while you are at it!


Al Qudra is the perfect spot for a peaceful daycation. Just head south – away from the lakes – and you’ll find dozens of perfect desert camping spots accessible to non-4WDs owners. We perched at a secluded spot away from the crowds and enjoyed a hearty breakfast over cool breeze and pleasant sunshine. It is worth going while the weather is still cool.


After a huge renovation project, Al Qudra’s manmade lakes are now apparently visited by over 130 species of birds including ducks, swans, starlings, eagles, falcons and flamingoes. Living in a city, we don’t get to see a lot of wildlife in their natural habitat so it was fascinating to see these graceful creatures leisurely taking a dip and a glide in the shallow waters at Qudra.


My suggestion: Along with your barbecue kit, don’t forget to take your binoculars for a distinctive picnic by this desert oasis where you are bound to spot the swift yet beautiful Oryx (often mistaken for a deer lol). We caught sight of one in a distance but the darn creature was too quick for me to take a shot (so here's one more of me instead :P)

It was honestly such an amazing way to kick off the weekend. The drive can seem a bit long but hey with good company and pumped up tunes, you can just breeze through. Have you done anything different at Al Qudra? What are your suggestions? Let me know in the comments below.

~Happy Weekending Lovelies ~

Outfit Details

Top - Bershka

Pants - Pull & Bear

Sling - Dune London

Sunglasses - Prada

Bracelets - Call it Spring

Flats - Forever 21

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